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Mengharungi ribut yang sempurna...

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'Muhyiddin Yassin added 9 new photos. hr Pagi tadi saya sempat turun ke sebuah pasaraya di Kuala Lumpur. Cari barang-barang sedikit sambil melihat amalan orang ramai di pasaraya. Alhamdulilla... See more +6'

It's a perfect storm. 3 juta tak dapat bantuan PRIHATIN, lepas tu pula 2.4 juta kehilangan perkerjaan. Padan lah MIER jangka 11% pengurangan ekonomi domestik.

Kemelesetan ekonomi akan terjadi dan kali ini mungkin akan lebih teruk dari 97 dan 08. Dah 2 minggu bearish stock market, dump stocks, credit crunch, stagnant economic activity, disruptive supply, spending alert, spill-over real economy, stimulus package = fiscal deficit.....semua jalan serentak.

Bila DSAI suruh bagi bantuan segera maksud nya sekarang, bukannya nya lagi satu bulan. Kuarantin dah berlangsung selama 14 hari, 14 hari ada keluarga yang ikat perut. Bila Anwar suruh bentang bawa ker parlimen supaya ada check and balance ( ada parlimen luar negara tak payah full quorum pun boleh bersidang), di kata Anwar dengki. Ni nak selaras tarikh nak masuk bantuan pun lambat.
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Ketiga2 tokoh politik beli barang. Seorang kleptokrat beli barang di pasaraya besar, begitu juga dgn seorang PM tanpa mandat rakyat pun beli di pasaraya besar. DSAI, beli barang di kedai biasa milik marhaen biasa,pasaraya yang macai dan walaun2 dok jaja BMF...

Nampak gayanya..DSAI sorang jer membeli ditempat yg masuk dalam takrif kelompok BMF..beli kat Peniaga kecil dan bawahan..hat2 orang lagi tu nak berlakon..tapi beli kat gedung bukan di pasaraya milik "Tycoon"... Sembang pasal nasib Cik kiah konon..Last2 pergi Kedai Taikun...Jadi kalau nak tahu mana pemimpin yang faham derita dan nasib Rakyat..tengok dimana dan cara depa berbelanja..

Ingat, there will be blood split over this famine. Akan ada anak2 miskin bandar yang kekurangan zat, stunting, tak cukup makan, tak tahu nak jimat tang mana lagi dah. Dan akan ada orang yang sanggup langgar arahan MCO semata-mata tak boleh nak secure meal esok hari, baik duduk dalam penjara at least makan 3 kali sehari. Tak perlu lah di cerita apa akan jadi kalau kemelesetan ekonomi berlaku. Jenayah akan meningkat, inflasi akan naik. Kita cerita semua benda ini bukan nak exaggerate, tapi nak suruh prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Ingat, the worst is yet to come.
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Yang lagi kelakar bila Anwar pergi shopping kat kedai runcit, yang pengkhianat dan penyamun pun nak copy paste, betul Anwar tu nampak macam jadi trendsetter, tapi roh depa itu kosong. Depa shopping pasaraya besar; dari itu sahaja tahu yang depa ini detach pada realiti masyarakat. Ingat pula kes AOEN Tebrau kena langgar todak few years back. Kalau tanya kat depa kedai aceh mesti tak tahu, yelah born with silver spoon.

Ikut cerita makcik kiah pun nampaknya macam bukan happy ending sebab ada klausa kata kena pamir slip gaji dalam rayuan PRIHATIN, saya tak tau la berapa ramai penjual goreng pisang yang ada slip gaji kat Malaysia ni. It will not be pretty, tapi makcik kiah should see this coming. Ini lah harga mahal yang terpaksa di bayar oleh makcik kiah demi dapat sebuah kerajaan melayu Isle; tak tahu buat kerja dan pandai tunggang agama; pendek kata ruwaibidhah. Yang lagi sadis ada tukang cuci datang dari agamawan.- Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'APRIL L FOOLS DAY MAKCIK KIAH DAH KENA TIPU..? MUHY.DD0N Ingatkan Bantuan dapat 1 April, rupanya hujung bulan, April fool'
Derita Makcik Kiah berterusan 
walapun MCO tamat...

Derita IKS, Penjaja Kecil..hatta kelompok seperti Makcik Kiah akan berpanjangan biarpun perintah berkurung tamat 14 April ini.. RM 1600 itu hanya dapat menampung kehilangan pendapatan sepanjang Mac dan April bagi orang seperti makcik Kiah....

Selalunya bulan Ramadhan inilah bulan mereka meraih sedikit pendapatan tambahan menghadapi hari raya.. kemungkinan besar apa yang kelompok ini tidak dapat jangka kan..Bazar Ramadhan, Jualan Expo raya tahun ini kemungkinan besar dibatalkan atas sebab wabak COVID-19..

Jadi bersedialah atas sebarang kemungkinan.. RM 1600 itu bagi sesetengah orang boleh jadi satu bonus dan lebihan untuk membeli belah...Bagi Makcik Kiah yang berniaga di Pasar Tani.. Penjaja.. derita mereka mungkin akan terus berpanjangan...

Jika bazar ramadhan, Expo dibatalkan.. Agaknya berapa ratus ribu rakyat,Pekerja harian pula akan kehilangan peluang pendapatan.. itu pun baik, jika tidak ada Kilang..PKS, Gedung yang membuang pekerja di bulan Ramadhan ini...

Bagi orang yang kerja makan gaji,Kerja Kerajaan mungkin takkan rasa semua ini.. aku menjangkakan krisis ekonomi bukan saja dari sudut pendapatan..harga makanan akan melambung naik atas sebab kejahilan menteri Ekonomi menangani kesan dan rantaian ekonomi yg terhenti sepanjang MCO ini akibat panik berlebihan si menteri Pertahanan....

Bagi Makcik Kiah mungkin akan melonjak gembira seketika mendengar ucapan Muhyidin....Makcik kiah mungkin tak mejangkakan semua ini..Bantuan buat org susah mmg perlu. Tapi pasai apa perlu sampai 4 ribu utk Makcik Kiah yg anak pun seorang saja? Jadi beringatlah. - Ipohmali

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Badan penuh tepung. Terduduk lelah mencari rezeki...
Kalu bisnes takdak nak bayaq gaji camna...

Gomen blh paksa dan ugut majikan, supaya tak potong gaji ketika tempoh PKP ni, tp kptsn akhir bergantung kpd kewangan majikan. Mmpu, mereka ikut. Kalau tak mampu? Bisnes tutup? Kau paksalah camna pun, dia x akan mampu bayar.

Gomen blh desak bank stop 6 bln bayar loan. Maybe diaorg mampu. Tp jgn lupa, staff mereka bergaji. Mungkin akan ada pemberhentian pekerja. Juga, syarikat insurans bg kelonggaran x perlu bayar premium 3 bln. Aku x pasti bagaimana income agen camni?

Kita dok rumah(aku tak, aku kena kerja), dpt cuti free, dpt gaji, jgn kerek sgt. Cakap ikut sedap. Kita bukan majikan. Aku tgk, geng cikgu2 yg hantar anak ke pengasuh, bila cuti sekolah sebulan pun, mereka x bayar pengasuh.

Skrg kau bayangkan majikan, sales takde, tp kena bayar gaji pekerja, sewa segala bagai. Sepatut yg kerja kerajaan gaji penuh tak perlu dapat apa bantuan pun. Tapi yg kerja sendiri tu susah nak dapat brim bsh yg perlu di bantu.

Aku bkn pro majikan, tp aku risau 'enjin ekonomi' malaysia rosak. Rosak ekonomi, rosak segalanya. Hang nak masjid, hang nak kuil tokong gereja, hang nak sekolah, spital, U, semuanya dah tak blh nanti.

Lupakanlah plan nak bercuti sana sini. Kalau masih bergaji pun, dikira syukur dah. Belum aku sebut malaysia bakal mempunyai lbh ramai B40. Dan semua ini perlu gomen hadap. Bagaimana caranya? Lebihkan cukai. Takpe, asalkan molayu merintah.- kak kiah

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Inilah hasil dan rahmat apabila olamak memerintah hinggakan penawar Covid-19 yang masih dalam kajian di seluruh dunia pun belum terbukti keberkesanannya dan dipasarkan secara komersil.

Cukup sekadar ‘menangkap’ dan memasukkan virus ke dalam botol yang diisi dengan air dan dibezakan sama ada air tersebut ‘beku’ atau tidak dalam peti sejuk.

Botol itu disimpan dalam peti ais tempat sejuk beku, tapi oleh kerana di dalam botol itu mengandungi covid, air itu cair saja tidak membeku macam air batu.... Nama dia Abdul Majid Hassan.
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Tengah hari tadi depa tangkap sekoq covid-19 di sebuah Markas PAS di sebuah negeri.Pak aji sengaja blurkan bhg muka tapi tang perut buncit tu.. 

Dulu dia jual coklat PAS yang kononnya telah diruqyah dengan ayat Qur'an untuk melembutkan hati pengundi supaya pangkah calon PAS dalam pilihanraya.... 

Aku cadangkan, kerajaan pintu belakang ini lantik lebai ni menjadi timbalan menteri alam sekitar, bekerja bawah menteri lebai Tuan Berahim. 

Boleh bantu tangkap COVID-19 di dalam pembetong najis...- f/bk

This stimulus will not save us...

Our economy is collapsing and only we know it. Air flights halted, travel agencies shut, restaurants closed. In the weeks to come, we will hear about many businesses having zero revenue. Soon, we will know someone around us who has lost a job.

These stories will take a while for the government to register as statistics, and we need two consecutive quarters of economic decline to call this a recession. But make no mistake, we are standing at the cliff of one of the worst economic crises of our time. Destroy economy to save our health

Unlike other crisis, we need to destroy our economy to save our health. The only way to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic is to stay at home. All businesses must close, you cannot travel or go outside, and you should only spend on necessities that keep you safe and healthy.

We are left with an unfortunate dilemma: Do we save our health or do we save our economy? The only way out of this bind is for the government to spend, at a massive and radical scale. And this is the bare minimum to keep our economy from going further south.

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s failure to appreciate the scale and rate of the economic collapse explains why the stimulus package is insufficient. While direct cash transfers to all groups are commendable, they simply do not go far enough.

It assumes that the pandemic and recession is short-lived; it assumes that the measures could be short-term; it assumes that we could solve the structural challenges of our businesses being short-sighted. Millions of jobs will be lost.

In every impending economic crisis, the urgent priority is to make sure people do not lose their jobs. If people lose their jobs, the country’s output and aggregate demand will drastically decline because income has evaporated. If a vast number of people are out of jobs for too long, our earning potential and productive capacity will also be permanently scarred.

A country that has mass unemployment will also have high physical and mental health problems, besides a high crime rate and low subjective happiness. These problems are worst for young people, who were already struggling to find jobs before the Covid-19 crisis.

In the next few months, either 2.4 million or four million people will lose their jobs. Muhyiddin’s stimulus package does not help. The grand “RM 250 billion” only included an RM600 wage subsidy for employees earning RM4,000 and below, for companies that have experienced a 50 percent decline in revenue since January 2020. This move is futile.

When your revenue has dropped to half or near zero, and if the only way to stay afloat is to take a loan, then it makes more financial sense to close down. RM600 will make no difference. SMEs are the worst casualties of this recession because cash flow is the biggest problem. If the SME industry decides to slash workers at a large scale, this will affect up to two-thirds of the workforce in Malaysia.

We are already hearing from them that this "failed" plan does little to help them. So, we can anticipate a mass retrenchment around the country – starting from the most affected industries: tourism, hospitality, transportation, food and beverages and retail. Other countries understand this.

Subsiding almost all of wages. That is why Denmark and Sweden are paying up to 90 percent of wages. Singapore and Canada both foresaw the severity of the problem and urgently increased wage subsidy to 75 percent of total pay. For the first time in history, the United Kingdom is also directly paying the wages of employees – up to 80 percent.

The basic concept is simple. When the economy halts, there is no more cash. When there is no more cash, companies have to fire their staff. Loans may help some, but they will not help the most. The best solution is for the government to pay your wages so that your boss does not fire you.

It is better to keep workers at their jobs so that we don’t have to spend time to rehire and retrain them when the economy is healthy again. We need to recover – we can’t afford to restart.

RM600 is not only meagre (approximately 15 to 25 percent), but they are also short – lasting for only three months. We need wage subsidies that are significantly higher and significantly longer to account for the pandemic, the recession and also the additional period companies require to undergo structural changes to make money again.

The foremost is digitalisation – selling things online. Since the people are told to stay at home – and they will reduce going out even after the order is lifted – the only place to sell is online. And most companies need to undergo this basic transformation to get back on their feet.

Jobs are about the people. Not caring about job losses means not caring about the people. If I had lost my job that pays me RM3,000 a month, giving me a one-off RM1,600 aid that lasts only for two months will not save me. Once retrenched, I am likely to be jobless for the next six to 12 months because no one will be hiring. In aggregate I have less money to spend, I also lost a job.

Mass unemployment begets low aggregate demand, and low aggregate demand begets mass unemployment. Without a massive wage-subsidy system to keep most people employed, a stimulus package does not protect the people.

My hope is the same as yours. I hope we find a vaccine soon, I hope our frontliners stay safe and healthy. I hope we have enough hospital beds and ventilators for those who are infected. I hope more and more people recover from the plague.

And when it is all over, we could go out again. We could stroll at parks, dine at restaurants, and walk around shopping malls with our friends and family, and find joy in the little moments. And we could go back to work the next day knowing that our hard work goes to rebuilding our country from collapse. I hope, by then, we could still do that. - James Chai,mk

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