Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi...

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Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi...

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, possible text that says '#AnwarPM8 PM8 Hai Tomy, CONTOH VIDEO YANG DIKATAKAN KABUR Faham tak maksud kabur? Kabur tu macam gambar kedua, kalau nak link boleh pm saya untuk maksud kabur sampai tak boleh nampak. Takkan nak share link sini kan gila. (Hint :Jepun) Video Sandarkan Pada Kenangan tu tak kabur mangkuk. (Sham Sinatra)'

Tadi telah tamat drama bersiri paling lama dalam sejarah Malaysia dan berakhir di lautan hindi. Truth to be told apa yang Peguam Negara buat itu tidak salah legally dan masih berdasarkan kedaulatan undang-undang. 

Dia dengan terang kata pakar cybersecurity forensik gagal kenalpasti individu tersebut dan berdasarkan keputusan sebulat suara DPP dia ; jika ada bukti terbaharu kes boleh di buka semula.

"All laws in all legal systems must be just and must be seen to be just" atau undang-udang dalam sistem perundangan mesti adil dan mesti di lihat adil.

Kita sudah melalui zaman kezaliman BN di mana hakim, polis, SPRM dan peguam negara di tunggang sesuka hati oleh perdana menteri. Akibat dari perbuatan khianat ini berbillion2 duit rakyat rugi dari skandal 1MDB.

Walaupun apa yang AG buat ikut lunas undang-undang, tindakan tersebut tidak nampak adil dari kaca mata rakyat. Yang memburukkan keadaan macam mana SPRM boleh release audio Najib semalam secara kebetulan pula; dah la dalam audio tersebut ada kes pengkhiatan SPRM, DPP dan Peguam Negara yang lama untuk cover up Najib. Jadi apa yang berlaku pada hari ini adalah seperti ulang tayang kerajaan BN.

To be clear saya adalah orang yang membantah penyebaran dosa peribadi kecuali melibatkan kepentingan umum. Contohnya kes main judi di tempat tertutup, minum arak, hubungan luar nikah antara lelaki dan perempuan, liwat, tonton PPV kecuali kes rogol amah atau pun pedofilia kanak-kanak. Ini selaras dengan tuntutan Islam supaya menyimpan aib seseorang dan juga melarang mengintip (tajjassus)
Image may contain: 2 people, possible text that says 'Yg menunggang kejap je dpt, Yg menonggeng tak dapat dapat.. eh t'

Selagi kesalahan tersebut di lakukan dalam ruang lingkup peribadi, kita sebagai muslim tidak berhak untuk menyebarkan aib tersebut. Unless kalau pelaku tersebut berbangga dengan dosa mereka dan menayang pula pada awam, di situ tindakan patut di ambil demi kemaslahan masyarakat

Tapi di dalam Negara kita kita ada undang-undang sivil dan undang-undang syariah dan ada masanya undang-undang tersebut boleh overlap. Macam contoh dalam kes oral seks walaupun di antara suami isteri boleh di hukum di bawah Seksyen 377A Kanun Keseksaan; tetap boleh di dakwa walaupun dari segi Islam ianya adalah makruh.

Bila AG tutup kes macam ini, ia tidak membantu persepsi yang sistem perundangan negara kita Zaman PH adalah 2 kali 5 dengan zaman BN. Dulu AG zaman BN boleh clearkan Najib dari kes 1MDB dan zaman PH pula boleh dakwa semua kes 1MDB; lambat laun rakyat akan hilang kepercayaan pada sistem perundangan kita. Bila sesuatu kes sampai pada sistem perundangan, sepatutnya agensi penguatkuasa perlu menyiasat tanpa rasa takut atau kekangan.

Tapi minggu lepas IGP boleh kata "Pemimpin politik jangan bebankan polis dengan kes remeh"; apa maksudnya? Adakah kes libat menteri ini kira remeh-temeh? Kalau kes melibatkan menteri ini kira remeh-temeh, jadi semua menteri boleh la buat kesalahan jenayah macam mantan PM kita dahulu?

Tambahan pula bila cybersecurity kata gagal kenal pasti suspek kerana gambar tidak clear. Which beg a question, kalau gambar macam ini tak boleh kenal, nanti apa pula kata orang yang sudah di sabit kesalahan hanya berdasarkan videoo/CCTV macam kes cabul budak di kedai ataupun pembunuh kim jong un? 

Bukankah mereka juga boleh kata suspect tidak di kenali dan pohon semakan kehakiman? Ini yang jadi bila kita sudah setkan precedent. Macam contoh, kalau hakim yang di sabit kesalahan rasuah, mana2 kes yang pernah dia hakimi dahulu boleh di cabar keadilannya.

Saya tahu dan saya faham, kata-kata peguam negara adalah final; AG boleh membebaskan siapapun yang di rasakan tidak bersalah. It's moral wrong but legally right. 

Contoh kalau ada ibu tunggal di tangkap mencuri barang dapur di pasaraya dan kes di bawa ke AG, AG boleh mengunakan budi bicara lepaskan tertuduh mungkin sebab dia mmg betul2 miskin dan lapar, tapi kalau ibu tunggal tersebut perangai pun macam hantu, boleh memaki2 lagi, memang la AG boleh sarankan pertuduhan yang lebih berat.

Ini sama dengan kes menteri tersebut, sudah la dia tidak mahu saman penuduh, perangai dia pula punya la teruk memaki hamun, hendak khianat amanah rakyat dengan kerajaan pintu belakang, itu belum masuk bab perkahwinan yang luar biasa dan lebih dari kemampuan seorang menteri.

Yang rakyat biasa akan bertanya, kalau kes besar macam ini pun boleh di sapu bawah katil, kes-kes remeh temeh lagi la boleh pejam mata bukan? Next steps AG boleh la mendakwa penuduh yang sudah buat akuan bersumpah atas kesalahan berbohong jika tidak any tom, dick and harry boleh suka-suka tuduh orang, betul tak? - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Sex Video Scandal - Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz - Worry Face
U.S. Forensic Analysis Report...Here’s Why Azmin Has Been Positively Identified In Gay Sex Video Scandal...

When Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador declared last July that an explosive gay sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali was genuine, but the identities of the two men in the clips could not be determined, the reputation and integrity of the Royal Malaysia Police immediately took a hit. The verdict screams cover-up.

Already tainted with corruption and incompetency for the last 60 years under the thumb of the previous Barisan Nasional regime, the last thing the new police chief needed was another half-baked story that insults peoples’ intelligence. The police force was ridiculed and mocked for relying merely on the local Cybersecurity Malaysia to conduct a forensic of the video clip.

If the police could identify and arrest a Vietnamese woman wearing a white sweatshirt emblazoned with the big black letters “LOL” after the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, despite the great distance between the suspect and airport security surveillance cameras, it was laughable that two men caught in their naughty act in a hotel room could not be identified.

Why didn’t the police send the video clip to the U.S. or China for facial recognition before making a fool of themselves? China has the technology to identify images not only in a fog and near-total darkness, but also possess AI technology. It’s this technology that the Chinese surveillance system keeps facial recognition databases consisting of almost every one of the nation’s 1.4-billion citizens.

Yes, the police under the leadership of IGP Bador appear to be enjoying very much at shooting their own foot. After months of public pressure, the cops admitted in November last year that a team had returned from overseas after handing over the video to experts from a United States university to determine the authenticity of the sex video as well as the identity of the two men in it.

Still, the mystery remains as to why the police could identify Vietnamese woman Doan Thi Huong in the assassination of the half-brother of North Korea’s leader, but could not identify two men who were just a few feet away from a camera. Did the police also engage foreign forensic experts in the case of the murder of Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur Airport in 2017?
The sex video scandal...

Exactly when the police went to the U.S. to submit the video to the foreign forensic team is unknown. It was only after the cops returned from the overseas trip that it was revealed that the gay sex video had been submitted. Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Huzir Mohamed reportedly said the results of the authentication will be available by the end of the year (2019).

However, the last day of the year 2019 came – and gone – without any results being announced, prompting more speculations and rumours. Yesterday (January 6), the cops could not drag their feet anymore. CID director Huzir confirmed the results of foreign expert analysis on the gay sex video have actually been obtained late last year.

Now, the burning question is why the police kept quiet and didn’t immediately reveal the forensic analysis’ results of the scandalous sex video upon receiving it late last year? Make no mistake. It was due to the public pressure that the CID chief was forced to make the statement. Even then, the cops chose to play “tai-chi”, saying it’s not necessary for the police to announce the report.

Interestingly, CID director Huzir claimed that the investigation papers on the sex video were already submitted to the Attorney General Chambers at the end of last year. That could only mean one thing – the forensic results have most likely identified Azmin Ali, the blue-eyed boy of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, as one of the men engaged in gay sex in the video.

Police Chief Abdul Hamid Bador was seen as shielding and protecting Economic Affairs Minister Azmin since the first day the video was exposed, presumably under the influence of the prime minister. If the laboratory results from the U.S. say Azmin was not the man as widely alleged, naturally it would be celebrated with champagne popping follows by fireworks.
Sex Video Scandal - Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz
Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz 

Knowing Mahathir, he definitely would have called for an urgent press conference and showed the journalists the official results from the U.S. experts, if his favourite boy did not screw another boy in the hotel. The premier would be grinning from ear to ear, holding the forensic results for its picture to be snapped, as if he had just scored 8A in the recent UPSR examination.

After all, Mahathir has said multiple times that the mastermind behind the sex video should be punished, not the sex actor Azmin, despite the fact that gay sex is illegal in the country. In November last year, the Selangor Shariah High Court sentenced four men to 6 months’ jail, 6 strokes of the cane, and a RM4,800 fine for “attempting intercourse against the order of nature.”

The premier has been incredibly bias from the beginning when he announced that Azmin was innocent and the video clip was a fake – even “before” the police could start the process of authenticating the video last year. The premature statement from Mahathir put the police in tatters, unable to perform their job professionally and could not investigate the scandal without fear or favour.

Do you think Mahathir would not brag and tell all and sundry that he has been right all along about Azmin’s innocence – if the U.S. forensic analysis had concluded that none of the two individuals in the video clip was the economic affairs minister? Therefore, there could be only two reasons why the police insisted to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers.

First reason – it would be announced that Azmin was indeed the homosexual man caught with his pants down in the video clip. Second reason – the announcement would clear Azmin of unnatural sexual activity because believe it or not, even the U.S. forensic specialists could not determine the identity of the two men (with some deepfake tales). However, if Azmin is cleared, it would lead to more questions.
Mahathir Mohamad and Azmin Ali
Dr.M and Azmin

Try showing the video clip to anybody and they will tell you that it’s above 90% of certainty that Azmin was involved. So, if the foreign forensic report could not identify the men, even with the U.S. latest technology, it means they probably have been bribed to cook up a fake result. That’s why the police needs to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers.

The cops have lost their credibility and integrity in the gay sex video scandal after Mahathir’s interference. They desperately need Attorney General Tommy Thomas’ credential to convince the public that Azmin was still a virgin. However, even if Thomas could be arm-twisted to do that, the police still have a huge problem – Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz.

Will the Royal Malaysia Police and the Attorney General Chambers decide to charge Mr. Haziq, who has already admitted to be one of the men in the gay sex video? Haziq has claimed the other man was his sex partner Azmin. Unless the police can prove Haziq was retarded or mentally challenged, he cannot be allowed to walk scot free as if nothing had happened.

Malaysia is clear about same-sex sexual activity. It’s a crime to engage sodomy (as well as oral sex), defined to include both heterosexual and homosexual acts, with punishment including fines and prison sentences of up to 20 years. However, if Haziq is put on trial, he would reveal to the world the details about his sexual activities with Azmin – creating a bigger humiliation to Mahathir.

In a nutshell, if Azmin was innocent, the police would have had immediately announced the results of the foreign forensic investigation late last year. The fact that they didn’t, and require the Attorney General Chambers by their side to make a joint statement suggest that either Azmin has been positively identified, or a new cover-up story is about to be unleashed to insult the peoples’ intelligence – again. - FT

However on 09/01/2020...

Attorney-General Tommy Thomas has announced that no prosecution will follow from the controversial sex videos allegedly implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali and a former political aide. This is because forensic video experts were unable to confirm the identities of the individuals in the video, Thomas said in a statement today.

"Cyber Security Malaysia found that whilst the videos were authentic, facial recognition could not be achieved due to poor resolution of the video recordings upon which such analysis was performed."

"Because of Cyber Security’s inconclusive findings, PDRM sent the videos to be independently analysed by forensic experts in the United States of America. PDRM received the result of the second analysis in December 2019.

"This independent report confirmed Cyber Security’s findings, amongst others, that 'the inability to identify individuals in the viral videos is primarily due to the low resolution and quality of the viral videos and the relatively few number of video frames in which the suspect is clearly visible'."

The attorney-general said he had accepted their recommendation and have decided not to prosecute any person.
Blur and unrecognizable...

Thomas said that since June 13, his office and the police had worked very closely in reviewing the investigation papers on the sex videos.

"The investigation was conducted under Sections 377B and 377D of the Penal Code for carnal intercourse against the order of nature.

"The standard investigation protocol between this Chambers and PDRM was followed."

He said that numerous discussions were held to review the evidence gathered by the police at the appropriate stages of the investigation and several instructions for further investigation were issued to them to ensure the sufficiency of the evidence before any prosecutorial decision could have been made.

"Many witnesses were interviewed by the police to ascertain the facts connected to the video and there had been arrests and remand of some of these witnesses in connection with the investigation."

Thomas explained that the investigations had been delayed for a number of reasons, primary among them being the length of time involved before forensic reports were finalised.

"In the course of investigations, due process of law must be observed, procedures and technical requirements for proper forensic analysis must be complied with.

"This also includes working within governmental constraints and procedures to secure additional funding approval to enable PDRM to complete its investigations," he added.

However, Thomas' statement did not address the issue of Haziq's (photo) confession.

He also added that the police had received an unsolicited analysis report on the videos from a private individual believed to be Umno supreme council member Lokman Adam.

"This report also confirmed the findings in the other two reports mentioned above that identification could not be conclusively made based on facial recognition analysis," he said.

"In these circumstances and upon reviewing evidence as presently gathered and submitted by the PDRM to this Chambers, my deputy public prosecutors unanimously recommended to me that no charges be proffered in connection with the videos." 

Thomas added that consistent with the AG's Chambers' normal practice, investigations may be reopened if and when new evidence becomes available. - mk

Dramaaaa sangat....

Najib nafi dia kena marah dengan bini... Katanya itu perbualan biasa... Paham?

Setiap orang ada cara hidup tersendiri dalam perhubungan antara suami-isteri.... Begitu juga cara bercakap antara suami, isteri, dan anak-anak.... Ada yang main jerkah-jerkah, ada yang bercakap lemah lembut, bahkan ada yang drama bisu kurang bercakap... Itu hal masing-masing.

Tentang pendedahan audio Najib-Rosmah, bukan soal kena jerkah, bukan nak malukan Najib sebab takut bini, bukan nak malukan Rosmah sebab tak hormat laki...... Tapi isi percakapan tu yang penting, kerana ia melibatkan undang-undang negara kerana ketika itu Najib seorang PM.
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Darling, CAN I ADVISE U SOMETHING!!'

Pihak berkuasa akan lakukan siasatan terhadap isi percakapan Rosmah-Najib itu... Nanti bila sudah terbukti ada unsur penyelewengan dan salahguna kuasa, mungkin Najib akan didakwa... 

Bila sudah masuk mahkamah, audio itu tidak boleh didedahkan kepada umum sebab sudah jadi barang bukti.... Sebab itu pihak SPRM memperdengarkannya sekarang.

Kalau terus sisasat senyap-senyap, tanpa perlu dedahkan kepada rakyat, tak boleh ke....?

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Boleh memang lah boleh.... Tapi dari segi politik, elok didedahkan.... Kalau dakwa secara senyap-senyap, nanti rakyat akan kata kerajaan PH menipu pulak.... 

Sedangkan Najib yang dah terang-terang mengaku duit berpuluh juta masuk ke dalam akaunnya, itu pun wala'un kata Najib difitnah.

Biarlah SPRM buat kerja dia.... ok, done back-up Lathefa Koya. - Awang

Image may contain: 13 people, people smiling, indoor
Yang ni pembangkang melalak...

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing, possible text that says 'SELAMAT TAHUN BARU CINA Gong Xi Fa Chai BIGHONO'
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people sitting
Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling, people sitting and child
Yang ni pembangkang bisu seribu bahasa...
No photo description available.


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