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Forest City - Sultan vs Mahathir-China...

Forest City - Beberapa purnama yang lalu,rakyat bertanyakan siapa di belakang Forest City yang mengadaikan beribu2 ekar tanah kepada negara China. Adakah rakyat marhean? Sekor pun Perjuang Parti Cap Melayu dan Parti Cap Agama tak berani untuk bersuara. Soalannya kenapa?
1. Kontroversi hubungan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir dengan China kini terus panas apabila beliau hari ini mengisytiharkan bahawa warga asing tidak akan dibenarkan untuk membeli dan tinggal di kediaman Forest City, Johor. Tindakan ini bakal memberi kesan kepada ribuan pembeli warga China. Malah, projek yang bernilai kira-kira RM400 bilion itu turut melibatkan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ismail.
2. Pemilikan DYMM Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Ismail dalam projek Forest City dilaporkan wartawan MalaysiaKini, Nigel Aw dalam laporan bertarikh 14 Julai 2014 yang bertajuk ‘The Case of Forest City and the Johor Sultan’ (https://ift.tt/2BToLu2) manakala dalam edisi Bahasa Melayu bertajuk ‘Alkisah Forest City dan Sultan Johor’ (https://ift.tt/2y9xwgw).
3. Forest City diusahakan oleh kerjasama China-Johor melalui Country Garden Pacific View (CGPV). Sebanyak 66 peratus pegangan CGPV dikuasai oleh tiga syarikat gergasi China iaitu Country Garden Waterfront Sdn Bhd, Country Garden Danga Bay Sdn Bhd, dan Country Garden Real Estate Sdn Bhd.
4. Baki 34 peratus pegangan CGPV dimiliki Kerajaan negeri Johor iaitu Esplanade Danga 88 Sdn Bhd.

5. Baginda Sultan Ibrahim merupakan pemilik saham terbesar Esplanade Danga 88 Sdn Bhd, dengan kawalan pegangan 64.4 peratus syarikat berkenaan. Kerajaan negeri Johor melalui Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor (KPRJ) pula hanya menguasai sekitar 20 peratus saham dalam syarikat tersebut.
6. Projek raksasa yang dibangunkan Country Garden Holdings Co. tersebut menyediakan kira-kira 700,000 unit kediaman di mana antara pembeli majoritinya (70%) adalah dari China menerusi skim ‘Malaysia My Second Home’ MM2H.
7. Malah, Tun Mahathir turut menegaskan bahawa tiada sebarang visa akan diberikan kepada warga asing untuk datang dan tinggal di sini. Hal ini bermakna bahawa ribuan pembeli dari China tidak akan dibenarkan untuk mendiami kediaman yang telah mereka beli di Johor.
8. Tindakan agresif Tun Mahathir ini dikaitkan dengan lawatan beliau ke China baru-baru ini di mana beliau telah mengumumkan hasrat untuk membatalkan projek Laluan Kereta Api Pantai Timur (ECRL) dan dua projek saluran paip trans-Sabah (TSGP) di Beijing. Kemudiannya Tun Mahathir mengatakan bahawa keputusan akhir pembatalan ECRL tertakluk pada jumlah pampasan yang perlu dibayar kerajaan kepada China pula.
9. Adakah langkah ini merupakan tindak balas Tun Mahathir kepada China yang dikatakan enggan mengalah kepada tuntutan beliau ketika lawatan ke sana minggu lalu? Perlu diketahui bahawa ketika lawatan Tun Mahathir ke China, China turut telah menghantar kapal ‘Coast Guard’ mereka ke Zon Ekonomi Eksklusif milik Malaysia berhampiran Beting Patinggi Ali. Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) mengirim dua kapal Kelas Kedah iaitu KD Selangor dan KD Kelantan sebagai reaksi balas.
10. Malah, Tun Mahathir sebelum ini turut mengisytiharkan bahawa ‘Tembok Besar China di Kuantan’ perlu dirobohkan – merujuk pada struktur projek Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park (MCKIP). Baca seterusnya...

""One thing is certain, the city that is going to be built cannot be sold to foreigners," he told a press conference after the opening of the Cities 4.0 + Business 4.0 conference here today.
"We are not going to give visas for people to come and live here. Our objection (towards this project) is because it was built for foreigners, not built for Malaysians.''
Overseas buyers will no longer be allowed to purchase homes in the US$100 billion Forest City development in Johor, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today.
"One thing is certain, the city that is going to be built cannot be sold to foreigners," he told a press conference after the opening of the Cities 4.0 + Business 4.0 conference here today.
"We are not going to give visas for people to come and live here. Our objection (towards this project) is because it was built for foreigners, not built for Malaysians.
"Most Malaysians are unable to buy these (apartments)," Dr Mahathir added.

The property and lifestyle development is being developed by Country Garden Pacificview Sdn Bhd, a joint venture between Hong Kong-based Country Garden Group and Esplanade Danga 88 Sdn Bhd, an associate company of state-owned Kumpulan Prasarana Rakyat Johor.
The 14 sq km development rests on four artificial islands off Johor and has a gross development value of RM444 billion, including an American international school that has just been launched and a golf course that is expected to be completed later this year.
Mainland Chinese reportedly constitute 70% of Forest City buyers. Forest City, which had sold as many as 16,000 units as at May last year, has seen sales of its properties hit when capital controls imposed by Beijing dissuaded Chinese buyers.
Country Garden also has other projects in Malaysia including Country Garden Diamond City in Semenyih, Selangor; Country Garden Central Park in Tampoi and Country Garden Danga Bay, both in Johor Baru. - f/bk
The case of Forest City and the Johor Sultan

Apa hak Forest City nak bercakap bab law (undang-undang) Malaysia..
Kononnya Kerajaan takdak kuasa untuk sekat orang asing beli rumah di Forest City.
Bawalah lagi syarikat China Komunis buat projek di Malaysia ni yang dibangga oleh puak2 UMNO di Johor.
Hingga undang-undang negara serta kerajaan kita mereka cabar. - f/bk

Rupanya dalam buku karangan terbaharu Mark Trowell, ‘Anwar Returns, The Final Twist’, Yang Di-Pertuan Agong, Sultan Muhammad V sendiri membaca dan meneliti keseluruhan fakta kes perbicaraan terhadap Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Anwar Ibrahim dari tahun 1998 hinggalah 2018.
Yang membuatkan baginda membuat keputusan membuang keseluruhan kedua-dua kes fitnah bukanlah kerana baginda mempunyai kuasa pengampunan tetapi fakta yang dikemukakan sangat meragukan selain meletakkan kembali keadilan pada tempatnya.
Pada pandangan Trowell, seorang peguam yang berpengalaman dalam kes jenayah di Australia, mangsa dakwaan liwat Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan tidak sebagaimana mangsa serangan seksual "biasa" .
Pengarang buku 'The Trial of Anwar Ibrahim, Sodomy 11' (Perbicaraan Anwar Ibrahim, Liwat II' itu juga berkata Saiful nampak seperti suka perhatian media dan dia tidak kisah - tidak sama sekali seperti mangsa serangan seksual yang lain .
Trowell, yang juga seorang pemerhati bagi Kesatuan Antara Parlimen (IPU) dan LawAsia di mahkamah di seluruh dunia, berkata ia juga tidak normal bagi mangsa serangan seksual tidak mandi selama dua hari.
"Saya difahamkan bahawa seorang Muslim, selepas persetubuhan, dikehendaki untuk mandi junub sebelum dia boleh melakukan solat. Jadi, soalan itu berterusan tentang bagaimana Saiful melakukan solat.
Inilah contoh antara beberapa keterangan di mahkamah yang diragui kesahihannya sejak Trowell membongkar penipuan Saiful sejak 2010 lagi dan konsisten dengan pendedahan berbentuk penipuan Saiful yang amat menjijikan.
Pertemuan Saiful dengan Najib Razak pada 24 Jun 2008 juga menjadi titik tolak penipuan dan konspirasi menjatuhkan karier politik Anwar apabila hanya membuat laporan polis dua hari kemudiannya. - f/bk
Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia...
Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia Rugi RM300 Juta...YB Saifuddin Nasution dedahkan dalam Dewan Negara.
Kerugian & penutupan KR1M adalah berpunca dari kos operasi yang tinggi, lokasi yang tidak strategik dan kesan perlaksanaan GST.
Satu lagi koleksi 'Mudharat Kecil' UMNO/BN.
In The Land Of The Cowards, “Sex Actor” Chua Soi Lek Could Become The King (Again)...
Like former UMNO president Najib Razak, MCA president Liow Tiong Lai is game over. After losing his Bentong constituency in the recent general election, it shows Mr. Liow has performed worse than his deputy, Wee Ka Siong. Not even his drama – playing badminton with superstar Lee Chong Wei and AirAsia boss Tony Fernandes – could help him retain Bentong.
Liow Tiong Lai has been, arguably, the worst MCA president the Chinese-based party has ever produced since its establishment. Last year, with just months before the 14th general election is called, around 6,000 people had been expected to attend the “Better Beer Festival”, showcasing craft beers from at least 11 countries. It was shut down.
Islamic party PAS accused it as “pesta maksiat (vice party)”, claiming that it would turn Kuala Lumpur into the “largest vice centre in Asia”. Najib administration, desperate for the support from the extreme and radical PAS party, agreed to pull the plug on the annual beer festival. Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Mohamad Fuzi Harun obediently disallowed the festival.
The police chief conveniently claimed he had received information that militants planned to “disturb the event”. The funny part about the huff and puff cooked up by the previous government was the fact that the beer festival was only applicable to non-Muslims. The Muslims were not invited. In fact, Muslims were prohibited from the beer festival.
When the minority non-Muslims, especially the Chinese, had nowhere to turn but to MCA, its president Liow Tiong Lai failed miserably. He didn’t lift a finger to protect the Chinese right for a pint or two. Already known as a corrupt lapdog, Mr. Liow quickly agreed with then-premier Najib Razak and the beer festival was cancelled, much to the anger of fans of beer.

Cry Baby Wee
The beer festival fiasco was just one of many examples of continuous discrimination, suppression and oppression against the Malaysian Chinese. From seven parliamentary seats, the MCA was slaughtered on May 9th by the same community it claimed to represent, reducing the Malaysian Chinese Association to just one seat, its worst since founded in 1949.
Don’t be fooled by Wee’s eloquent in Malay, Mandarin and English though. Together with Bintulu Mafia Chief Tiong King Sing, Mr. Wee became billionaire looting and plundering taxpayers’ money in the PKFZ scandal. Yes, if Najib Razak has his 1MDB scandal, Wee Ka Siong’s pet project was PKFZ. So far, the RM12 billion PKFZ scandal has turned into one with no culprits.
But it will not going to be a walk in the park for Wee Ka Siong in his attempt to be crowned as MCA next president. Former vice-president Gan Ping Sieu has confirmed his intention to contest for the post too. The young Gan will be no match to the super-rich and cunning Wee. Another president-wannabe Yew Teong Look, the biggest MCA gangster, is rumoured to be interested too.
None of those candidates have a remote chance of beating Wee except Chua Soi Lek who was implicated in a sex tape scandal in 2008 but mounted a comeback to become MCA president in 2010. Following MCA’s horrible performance in the 2013 general elections, Mr. Chua has kept silence and went into political exile after Liow Tiong Lai took over the party.
Little did Chua know that his leadership that brought the party to the laughable 7-11 (7 parliamentary seats and 11 state seats) wasn’t that disastrous after all. His successor, Liow, would lead the party to a more pathetic and humiliating defeat 5 years down the road – winning only 1 parliamentary and 2 state seat – and becomes the opposition for the first time since independence in 1957.
MCA grassroots are pretty excited about the rumours that their former president Chua may make a comeback to lead them. Mocked and insulted as a “sex actor”, Mr. Chua was setup by both Wee Ka Siong and Liow Tiong Lai, and the grassroots knew it. The four-star Hotel Katerina in quiet Batu Pahat was the place where Chua Soi Lek engaged in an extra-marital affair with a young woman.
Chua’s mistake was bonking his “woman friend” – Ms Angela Yam – in the same hotel in the same room for convenience sake. Four cameras hidden in the suite recorded him having sex without his knowledge. The scumbags Wee and Liow, after recorded their president with his pants down, would later make copies and distributed the video for all and sundry to enjoy.
Inspired by the return of 93-year-old Mahathir Mohamad as the prime minister for the second time, Chua may just do the same. Amusingly, some MCA grassroots still admire their ex-president. Unlike “cry baby” Wee, Chua’s courage in admitting to being the person in the sex video 10 years ago in 2008 before resigning, was quite legendary and commendable.
Interestingly, Chua Soi Lek was one of Najib’s biggest supporters during the peak of 1MDB scandal in 2015. When former MCA president Ling Liong Sik parroted his former boss (Mahathir), agreeing that “Najib has taken peoples’ money and put it in his own personal accounts”, Chua came to Najib’s defence in 2015 – claiming that the PM was the only leader who had pledged to fund MCA.

The best part came when Chua Soi Lek subsequently revealed that Prime Minister Najib Razak had helped in the drafting of the speech from which the MCA leader read out on television admitting he was the person in the sex video, which by then had circulated in the form of DVDs. Chua said – “He thought I wrote it in a way that was too rigid, (so) he edited it for me.”
Yes, like two good friends in a primary school, Chua had nothing but praises for Najib for helping with his homework – editing and finetuning an admission speech over the sex scandal. The MCA leader tried very hard to market Najib as a kind-hearted person who would help friends in trouble. It’s not hard to understand why Najib was more than willing to help Chua.
In 1995, the then-Defence Minister Najib Razak was allegedly caught “khalwat” with his pants down with actress Ziana Zain in a Port Dickson hotel room. If witness Balasubramaniam’s Statutory Declaration is reliable, Mr. Najib had performed anal intercourse with Mongolian beauty Altantuya, before she was murdered by his military bodyguards.
However, unlike Najib, Wee or Liow, Chua was a very brave man who not only admitted to extra-marital affair, he had also gone on stage to debate with then-opposition DAP Lim Guan Eng. In comparison, PM Najib Razak had chickened out numerous times in debates or questionnaire session, including his owned-organised “Nothing to Hide (#Nothing2Hide)” forum.
In truth, Wee Ka Siong can do very little to rejuvenate MCA. He is seen as a coward or eunuch who dared not stood up to UMNO’s years of bullying. The party desperately needs young and new talents. More importantly, it lacks a courageous leader to drive them to a new direction. So far, Mr. Wee has nothing new to offer. Mr. Chua could become MCA president again. - ft

Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) kerana berjaya menahan bekas ketua risikan Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Hasanah Ab Hamid yang menulis surat kepada Agensi Perisikan Pusat (CIA) di Langley, Virginia, Amerika Syarikat memohon sokongan terhadap Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum PRU 14 lalu.

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