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Dari musim katak ke musim kotak...
Sepanjang tempoh singkat ini, pelbagai spekulasi, perubahan dan kejutan berlaku.
“Minggu lalu banyak ‘katak’, minggu ini banyak ‘kotak’!”
Demikian sindir tokoh veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang dipercayai merujuk kepada ‘drama’ melompat parti dan skandal puluhan billion 1MDB yang sedang disiasat polis.
Menurut Ahli Parlimen Iskandar Puteri itu, kejayaan rakyat mencipta sejarah menukar kerajaan secara aman melalui peti undi tidak akan terhenti setakat itu.
“Rakyat selama ini hilang kepercayaan terhadap institusi penting negara dan sudah tiba masanya untuk mengembalikan kepercayaan rakyat melibatkan pemulihan peringkat Eksekutif, Parlimen dan Perundangan,” katanya dalam kenyataannya
Selain itu, Kit Siang berkata sudah tiba masanya untuk menetapkan semula dasar pembinaan dan hala tuju negara bagi mencapai ‘Impian Malaysia’ yang boleh menjadi contoh kepada dunia.
“Sebagai sebuah negara pelbagai suku bangsa, agama, bahasa dan budaya yang mampu hidup harmoni, bersatu, demokratik, progresif dan makmur yang mana kita meletakkan diri kita sebagai Rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum, agama, daerah dan kedudukan sosio-ekonomi,” katanya lagi. – Roketkini.com

Nak tangkap perompak mesti
ada bulan tertentu ke?
Ada yang meluahkan rasa simpati mereka terhadap Najib dan isterinya, Rosmah Mansur yang terpaksa berdepan dengan ujian getir itu di awal ramadan ini. Tidak kurang juga yang mempertikaikan tindakan polis kononnya mengaibkan dan tidak menghormati bekas pemimpin terbabit.
Namun berbeza dengan pandangan Datuk Redzuawan Ismail atau lebih dikenali sebagai Chef Wan yang menyifatkan golongan berkenaan sebagai pengecut sehingga mudah ditipu kerana cuba menegakkan benang yang basah.
SO disgusted and felt cheated watching all this lori of stuff that being taken out of Najib home. Pagi ini all that millions of cash to gold bars and watches became the hot topic of every citizen in this country. Itu belum lagi dari menteri-menteri lain yang ketika ini mesti panas hidup mereka anak beranak!
Sibuk penyokong-penyokong dan penyangak-penyangak ini living in denial konon tak baik buat macam ini di masa bulan ramadan dan janganlah aibkan mereka etc. Eh? Nak tangkap perompak mesti ada bulan tertentu ke dan menguna diplomasi dan sebagainya?
Its shocking to see so many cowards in this country. Patutlah mereka-mereka ini ditipu hidup-hidup sampai sanggup nak menggadaikan negara ini. Mereka ini tak faham ke yang segala kita perjuangkan ini untuk siapa jika tidak kerana masa depan generasi kita di masa akan datang?
Bila melihat kejadian ini, teringatkan kisah the French Revolution berzaman dahulu di mana Queen Marie Antoinette itu sampai dipenggal kepalanya akibat rakyat jelata dizaliminya. What about regime Marcos, Gadaffi, Mubarak, Saddam dan banyak lagi.
How can we even put up with all this corrupt leaders yang di akhirnya menjerut leher mereka sendiri. Tak payahlah nak nasihat kita yang memperjuangkan keadilan di negara ini dengan lecture-lecture kau orang itu pasal mengaibkan mereka, sedangkan berita ini it's all over the world news pun and it's so embarrasing for this country pun.
Bangkai gajah itu boleh ke ditutup lagi dik nyiru tu? Jika kita ini bodoh sekali pun, janganlah sombong dan bongkak masih mahu menegakkan benang yang basah lagi. Bila saya bercakap begini, ramai yang sentap tetapi how do we wake up all this Malay people from their sleep and face the truth and reality of this country corruption yang berleluasa sangat?
Malu bangsa kita mahupun negara. Itupun masih ada yang menunding jari menyalahkan Cina kononnya Menteri Kewangan tidak boleh diberikan kepada Cina and all this crap! - Chef Wan
Emelda Marcos.Itulah perumpamaan
diberi ke atas Rosmah Mansur.
Dia melenting dan menafikan sekeras2nya.Kata nya mustahil harga cincin berjuta2 ringgit.Tak masuk akal langsung.
Tapi isu fitnah DSAI meliwat dan isu video terbalik pulak.Mati2 dia percaya.Katanya bab nafsu apa2 boleh berlaku.
Itu lah mentaliti Melayu Umno selepas merdeka.Bagi mereka UMNO parti keramat.Umno tidak akan MAMPOS dan kalah.
Malah pemimpin2 mereka terutama Najib pernah berkata...setiap butir beras Umno yang bagi.Maknanya rezeki itu ditentukan dan datang dari Umno.Mereka menafikan bahawasanya Allah pemberi rezeki.
Mereka syirik kpd Allah semata2 mempunyai kuasa.Aqidah begini menjalar ke akar umbi tanpa ada yang perbetulkan.Ulamak2 dlm Umno bisu ibarat tunggul kayu.
Kita beralih pula kpd kes2 pembunuhan sewaktu PM berkuasa. Ada banyak terbunuh tanpa dapat di kesan siapa pembunuhnya.Ada yang mati disimen kejam.Kalau tak silap saya ada 5 kes besar berkait rapat dengan Najib. Semuanya perlu kpd penyiasatan bagi mencari kebenaran hakiki.Semua dinanti rakyat setelah dibisukan dengan kuasa yang ada pada UMNO BN sebagai pemerintah...
Mereka lupa dan angkuh.Mereka terjebak kpd syirik koffi(tersembunyi) merupakan doktrin sekularisma yang meresap ke dalam Islam.
Kini semuanya terjawap setelah UMNO BN tumbang.CNN Indonesia mengupas satu persatu barang2 milik ROSMAH MANSUR.Anda kiralah sendiri nilai sebenar.Mustahil tapi itulah hakikat sebenar.Harap2 kawan bekas polis saya tk kata ia fitnah!
Kalahnya Umno BN PRU 14 setelah berkuasa lebih 60 tahun maka akan terbongkar segala rasuah kejahatan pembunuhan isu2 liwat yang dihidangkan kpd rakyat Malaysia.
Sebenarnya DOKTRIN UMNO menjadikan masyarakat Malaysia pengamal rasuah.Budaya fitnah berkembang biak.Orang2 Melayu diajar mencari keduniaan semata2. Gabungan doktrin ini menjadikan orang melayu Umno bersikap angkuh tamak gila kuasa serta menafikan hak orang lain.
Bagi mereka UMNO lah pemberi rezeki bermula sesuap nasi yang masuk kedalam mulut.Penolakan rakyat Malaysia kpd Umno BN membuktikan mereka benci rasuah budaya fitnah serta sifat angkuh disebabkan berkuasa.
Apapun kerajaan PH yang berkuasa tetap dipantau rakyat.Jika kamu terlupa janji kamu...rakyat akan beri ingatan supaya kamu jangan lupa...bahawa PH adalah kerajaan rakyat yang mendokong DEMOKRASI BERPARLIMEN....- f/bk

‘Cash is king’:The fall of Malaysia’s
disgraced first couple...
Seemingly secure just a week ago, Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor face a tightening noose as a new government that unexpectedly won elections last week ramps up investigations into allegations of graft and excess that have hung over the pair for years.
The fast-moving developments are a stunning comeuppance for a couple that have towered over Malaysia for a decade but ultimately were brought down by greed and hubris.
The bland patrician son of one of Malaysia’s founding fathers, Najib, now 64, had been groomed for the prime minister’s post from young. He took over in 2009 but was widely viewed in Malaysia as being heavily influenced by Rosmah, who is two years his senior.
Najib headed the once-invincible ruling coalition that had held power for six decades, but the couple were never embraced by large numbers of ordinary Malaysians.
The UK-educated Najib was seen by many as an aloof elitist with little understanding of Malaysia’s common citizenry, a perception accentuated by frequent tone-deaf gaffes and policies such as the 2015 introduction of a sales tax unpopular with the poor and now set to be eliminated.
Rosmah, meanwhile, has been a constant lightning rod for critics due to her imperious manner and elaborately coiffed mane of hair, which she once complained cost her 1,200 ringgit ($300) per house-call from stylists. Malaysia’s minimum monthly wage at the time was 900 ringgit.
That and similar episodes caused her to be reviled in a multi-cultural country where most of the population are modest-living Muslims.
Handbag fetish
Opponents would leak flight plans allegedly tracking Rosmah’s shopping jaunts aboard government planes to Rome, the US and Australia.
Her luxurious tastes included numerous reports of jewellery purchases costing tens of millions of dollars and a vast collection of designer handbags that has earned comparisons to the famed shoe collection of Imelda Marcos, wife of former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos....
Continue reading...
The Son of Tun Razak Bin Hussein...
It is so very sad that it is becoming so obvious that the son of Tun Abdul Razak Bin Hussein is not only a low class, common thief but he is also unbelievably stupid.
When the RM2.6 Billion in his private bank account was exposed he first said that it would be really stupid of him to have received so much money into his own personal bank account.
Later when the evidence had been leaked that it was indeed the case, he then acknowledged that the RM2.6 Billion had been deposited into his private bank account. So he was stupid after all. But . . .but . . but . . it was a donation. There are many levels of extreme stupidity here.
First he denied it using a simple Standard One level lie. Not only was it a simple lie but he did not know that nowadays certainly such things can be instantly debunked / disproved with just a few touches on a smartfone, tablet or laptop. He was too stupid to even realise that.
Soon he had no choice but to acknowledge that the RM2.6 Billion was indeed in his private bank account. But it was now a donation from an Arab.
Even the most stupid, third grade movie script could not be this stupid. But the son of Tun Abdul Razak Bin Hussein exhibited such unbelievable stupidity. And, he really expected the people to believe his stupidity.
Now that he is ultimately going to jail, he will show even more stupidity. For example he will NOT be able to show us or point out exactly the Arab Prince Al Saud bin Majed bin Aziz bin Majed bin Al Saud bin Abdul Azeez who he says gave him that RM2.6 Billion. Why? Because there is no such person. Lets see what he says has happened to that Arab prince. Maybe the Arab prince too was abducted like Pastor Koh.
Thirdly he bungled again when he said that the money was donated to him by the Arab prince to fight the ISIS. He bungled the dates because the ISIS did not exist when the Arab prince supposedly donated the RM2.6 Billion. Kantoi again. The son of Tun Razak bin Hussein lied again.
Now the son of Tun Razak bin Hussein says that the over 100 kg of gold and over RM100.0 MILLION in cash (various currencies) found in his house were kept there for over 10 years. He says the safes in which they were kept have not been opened for 10 years.

Firstly he is saying that he has stashed away the 100 kg of gold and over RM100.0 million cash for over 10 years !!
But the Arab prince gave him that RM2.6 Billion only a few years ago.
So how could he get 100 kg of gold bars and over RM100.0 million cash from more than 10 YEARS AGO? Or he is confessing that he had started stealing so much money even from before 10 years ago?
But the stupidity of the son of Tun Razak bin Hussein is again quite unbelievable. It seems to have no bounds.
Among the cash hoard were US$100 Bills. In the US they are called 'Bens' because Benjamin Franklin's picture is on the US$100 bill. Only a bad finance minister hoards cash at home, says Kadir .
Here is a picture of some of the seized US$100 Bills that has gone viral over the past couple of days.
Here is the catch.
All currency notes have serial numbers.
And from the serial numbers their date of manufacture / printing can be exactly determined.
You cannot run away from simple Standard Two level of proofs like these.
Here is something else. Five years ago in 2013 the US released upgraded US$100 Bills. There are easily identifiable differences between these "new" bills and the "older" bills printed BEFORE 2013.
Here is Wikipedia : "The Series 2009 $100 bill redesign was unveiled on April 21, 2010, and was issued to the public on October 8, 2013. The new bill has a blue ribbon woven into the center of the currency with "100" and Liberty Bells, alternating, that appear when the bill is tilted." Kantoi lagi lah anak Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein !
Here are the US$100 Bills - front and reverse.
On the reverse side of the "new" US$100 Bill above you can see that building (Independence Hall). Notice the clock tower on top of that building.
Wikipedia says :
"The time on the clock of Independence Hall on the reverse, according to the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, showed approximately 4:10 on the older contemporary notes and 10:30 on the series 2009A notes released in 2013."
Kantoi lagi ! If the cash hoard locked up in the safe includes EVEN ONE of the "new" Benjamins printed in 2013 it will be simple proof that the son of Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein has been proven a liar yet again. The safes have NOT been locked up for 10 years.
But all this is unnecessary. This is just some drama for your Saturday reading. OutSyed The Box style. All the currency notes (USD, RM, Sri Lankan Rupees etc) will have serial numbers. From the serial numbers you can track the date of their manufacture / printing.
The same goes for the 100 kg of pure gold bars found inside the safes. All gold bars will have the name of the mint or refinery which made the gold bars. They also will have serial numbers. The serial numbers will again prove the date of their manufacture.
If even ONE GOLD BAR has a serial number that is less than 10 years old, it is proof enough that not only is he lying but that the son of Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein is congenitally stupid.- ostb


Beg tu berharga lebih kurang RM1.8 juta.

Dia makan coklat orang ok pulak...
Penganggur kepala otak,balik Pekan dan jalankan tanggungjawab sebagai wakil rakyat di Parlimen enko! Elaun dah dapat dan jangan makan gaji buta tinggalkan rakyat2 enko...

Where is Kit Siang...
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