UMNO/MCA bisa terima angpow dari Robert Kuok...

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UMNO/MCA bisa terima angpow dari Robert Kuok...

Taikun perniagaan paling kaya Malaysia, Robert Kuok yang kini diserang pemimpin Umno dan dituduh tidak setia kepada negara pernah memberi derma besar kepada parti utama orang Melayu itu dan MCA.

Dalam memoir yang diterbitkan di Malaysia Disember lalu, Kuok menulis yang wang beliau berikan kepada parti Barisan Nasional selepas kemerdekaan sangat banyak.

“Saya sentiasa diminta memberi sumbangan besar kepada parti pemerintah, Umno dan MCA selepas kemerdekaan pada 1957. Saya beri dengan rela hati, gembira dan begitu sahaja,” tulisnya.

Ahli perniagaan berpangkalan di Hong Kong berusia 94 tahun itu mempunyai hubungan rapat dengan pemimpin Umno seperti Timbalan Perdana Menteri Kedua Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman.

Beliau juga menulis tentang pelbagai lagi bentuk sumbangan kepada negara seperti penjualan syarikat perkapalan yang dibinanya, Malaysian International Shipping Corporation (MISC) atas permintaan Perdana Menteri ketika itu, Abdul Razak Hussein bagi meningkatkan pegangan orang Melayu dalam syarikat itu.

Sejak beberapa hari lepas, Kuok menjadi mangsa serangan pemimpin Umno selepas sebuah rencana dalam blog Malaysia Today yang menuduhnya membiayai parti pembangkang DAP dan mahu mewujudkan kerajaan dipimpin orang Cina.

Pemimpin Umno, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman dikatakan memberitahu Kuok supaya “tidak lupa daratan”, Perdana Menteri Najib Razak pula mengatakan Kuok tidak mungkin mengumpul harta kekayaannya tanpa bantuan kerajaan Malaysia.

Kenyataan paling kasar dikeluarkan Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pelancongan Nazri Aziz yang menggelarkan Kuok sebagai “pondan” dan mencabarnya supaya kembali ke Malaysia untuk bertanding Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14).

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Kuok yang dianggap “Raja Gula” dengan empayar perniagaan bertaraf dunia dalam pelbagai jenis perniagaan menulis dalam bukunya tentang bagaimana beliau membantu BN dan MCA “terutama sekali menjelang pilihan raya umum”.

Katanya, bekas presiden MCA dan menteri kewangan ketika itu, Tan Siew Sin berhubung dengannya bagi mendapatkan sumbangan politik untuk MCA dan BN.

Beliau juga menceritakan kejadian apabila kepimpinan MCA memintanya wang bagi ikat jamin presiden parti itu ketika itu, Tan Koon Swan yang didakwa kerana pecah amanah di Singapura berkaitan dengan krisis Pan-El yang mengegarkan pasaran saham Malaysia dan Singapura.

Kuok membayar ikat jamin S$20 juta itu. Tan kemudiannya disabitkan bersalah dan dipenjarakan.

Pada lewat 1980-an, Kuok sekali lagi diminta membantu menyelamatkan Multi-Purpose Holdings Bhd milik MCA yang terlibat dalam perniagaan termasuklah perjudian, pembangunan hartanah dan perladangan.

Semalam, MCA mempertahankan Kuok, dengan Setiausaha Agung MCA Ong Ka Chuan mengatakan kenyataan pemimpin Umno “sangat dikesali” dan Nazri tidak berhak menuntut mana-mana rakyat Malaysia menyerahkan kewarganegaraan mereka kerana beliau tiada mempunyai kuasa melakukannya. Jurucakap Publisiti Parti Ti Lian Ker pula mengatakan Kuok berhak menyokong mana-mana parti politik yang dimahukan dan ada undang-undang bagi mengatasi cubaan menyingkirkan kerajaan secara tidak sah.

Pejabat Kuok semalam mengeluarkan kenyataan menafikan sekeras-kerasnya dakwaan itu dan dalam pertimbangan mengambil tindakan perundangan kepada penulis blog, Raja Petra Kamarudin kerana menuduhnya cuba menjatuhkan kerajaan Najib.- malaysianinsight

Switzerland mahu RM400 juta wang 1MDB

Kerajaan Switzerland dilaporkan mahu menuntut CHF95 juta (RM400 juta) wang dana berkaitan 1MDB yang dirampas daripada beberapa bank.

Menurut akhbar Tages Anzeige yang berpangkalan di Zurich, kerajaan Switzerland dibenarkan untuk menuntut keuntungan yang dijana secara haram.

Akhbar itu juga memetik Menteri Kewangan, Ueli Maurer (gambar atas) sebagai berkata, bahawa dana berkenaan telah disalurkan ke perbendaharaan persekutuan memandangkan tidak ada pihak yang menuntutnya.

Maurer berkata demikian kepada NGO Bruno Manser yang berpangkalan di Basel, yang mahu pemulangan dana itu ke Malaysia.

Tuntutan kerajaan Switzerland itu dijangka dibahaskan dan diundi dewan rendah perhimpunan Swiss pada 15 Mac ini.

Ahli Parlimen Geneva Carlo Sommaruga telah membentangkan satu usul mendesak Switzerland untuk memulangkan sekurang-kurangnya sebahagian daripada dana yang dirampas kepada negara asalnya.

Usulnya menerima sokongan bi-partisan daripada 26 ahli parlimen.

Menurut Tages Anzeige, Sommaruga berkata tindakan pihak berkuasa Switzerland merampas wang haram itu sesuatu yang harus dipuji, tetapi ia adalah salah bagi negara itu menjadi kaya melalui hasil rampasan berkenaan. - mk.

Swiss gov't seeks to pocket RM400m in 1MDB funds

Robert Kuok,UMNO and 2 party system...

This has to be another brilliant idea by the MP Kuala Kangsar. He has given instructions to the Moron of Manchester(RPK) to go create a fake boogeyman out of Robert Kuok.

Hence the really dumb and brain dead attacks against Robert Kuok by the Moron and the likes of Stupid Nazri. Have you seen that video of  Nazri "challenging" Robert Kuok. It is too stupid for me to mention.

Robert Kuok is worth US11.3 Billion through hard work. The other guy says he has RM2.6 billion in his account but he does not know how it got there ?? That is the great big difference.

Why are they trying to create a false boogeyman out of Tan Sri Robert Kuok.

Its called the Malay vote. They want to frighten the Malays that the Chinese will take over. First they tried to frighten the Malays with " Lim Kit Siang will become the PM ".

Image result for dap akan memerintah kata najib

Then lo and behold, DAP announced they fully support Tun Dr Mahathir as the Pakatan Harapan candidate for PM. Not only that but the PH also announced the Parliamentary seat allocations where the DAP gets to contest only 35 seats on the Peninsula.

How to become Prime Minister with only 35 Parliamentary seats is? So ' Lim Kit Siang the Chinese Boogeyman "had to go out the window. To make it even more impossible Mr Lim Kit Siang was admitted to hospital for surgery.

Now they have to look for another Chinese Boogeyman. And the lot has fallen on poor Tan Sri Robert Kuok. How did they happen to pick on him? I think it is from the recent biography of Robert Kuok which has earned substantial publicity in Malaysia.

I dont think this will work either. Most kampong folks will not know a Robert Kuok from a Richard the Lion Heart. They dont read, brother.

This Robert Kuok thing is just to massage the limp noodles in UMNO.

Why do I say 'making a false boogeyman out of Robert Kuok' Because they know more than anyone else they have taken money from Robert Kuok, Robert Kuok is among the biggest donors to UMNO. Here is a page from R obert Kuok's biography :

Robert Kuok says, "I was often asked to give substantial donations to the ruling parties, UMNO and MCA, after independence in 1957. I gave willingly, happily and freely".

So UMNO and MCA have already sucked out substantial money from Robert Kuok in the past. So at that time he was not a Chinese Boogeyman.

Hello Liow Tiong Lai, you may not have cojones but there must be at least some backbone left in you brader. Speak up. Defend Robert Kuok a little bit lah. He gave UMNO and MCA so much money.

I only have one thing to say about Tan Sri Robert Kuok now. Please GIVE HIM BACK THE SUGAR MONOPOLY.

When Robert Kuok was producing sugar, the price of sugar was TEN SEN a kati. (One penny of ten cents). Now they have given the sugar monopoly to a Melayu a yemen hybrid,coarse white sugar is now RM3.00 per kilo in retail shop and RM2.95 at supermart !!!

This above video is from Sempoerna,Sabah...

The Suluk people are marching in protest against UMNO / BN in Sempoerna. The text that came with this video says that the Suluks feel insulted to be called Melayu. That is a new development.

These things did not happen before. The BN and especially UMNO are going to get booted out. Their days are really numbered.

That extreme view that UMNO / BN may only secure 9 - 12 Parliamentary seats sounds incredulous but who knows. Lets really hope so.

Johor, UMNO's birthplace appears vulnerable. Also there is internal sabotage going on by Javanese Man to knock out Hishamuddin Hussein Onn in Johor. They do not mind if UMNO loses Johor. Just to get rid of H2O. 

Image result for pakatan harapan vs bn

Why a two party system will not happen...

The most critical element of the coming General Elections is not just Pakatan Harapan's impending win. There is something even more significant than that. The Malaysian political landscape has already changed and it will be confirmed in the coming elections. What has changed? There will be no more any one single political party that will win a huge chunk of Parliamentary seats.

In the past UMNO has won 88 Parliamentary seats, over 95 seats etc. As a result of which UMNO has had a stranglehold over the BN and over the affairs of this nation. That era has come to an end.

I doubt UMNO will retain more than 40 Parliamentary seats in the next elections. (If they can get past that 9 - 12 seats scenario). On the BN side, after UMNO their next largest party is PBB in Sarawak with 14 Parliamentary seats.

After UMNO, the second largest party in Parliament is the DAP with 38 seats. It is possible that the DAP will increase this to say 40 - 45 seats in the next Parliament. The United Nation Party is contesting 52 seats. Even if they win all, they will only have 52 seats.

PKR is contesting 51 seats on the Peninsula. Their pass rate is less than 30%. Amanah is contesting 27 seats. No single party in Pakatan will be able to have more than 50 seats. This means that politics in Malaysia will no more be dominated by any one single party.

Even if the BN wins the next GE - an unlikely event - UMNO will not have the clout of 88 seats or 95 seats anymore. UMNO may not have more than 40 seats. This means Malaysian politics will become real 'coalition politics'.

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Since there will be no more over representation by any one large party in Parliament, political parties will really hold each other by the cojones. Political coalitions will rise and fall, even if a single component pulls out of or joins a coalition. This means that coalition partners must really listen to each other and really "accomodate" all views.

This will be extremely good for Malaysia. That is why I always keep saying, there is a great future for our country folks. Have faith in ourselves. There is a great future for our country.

Politics will move away from race, religion and language to a more realistic and useful convergence of issues like corruption, economy, education, safety in our streets, towns and homes, national security, defense of the borders, immigration, efficient transportation, the GST , taxation, deregulation of the economy, public hygiene, clean environemnts, housing, etc etc.

You know real issues. Bread and butter issues. Hang all supremacy hang all over the hang hang. There will be no need for a two party or three party system. There will only be coalition politics. And members of any ruling coalition will join or leave a coalition according to their self interests. Not because of partisan politics. And we already have a situation where political parties can be allied with or against each other at Federal and State levels.

PAS for example may form a coalition with UMNO / BN at the Federal level BUT sit in the Opposition at the State level. Crazy as it sounds this is already happening. At the State level, UMNO Kelantan refuses to cooperate with PAS Kelantan but at the Federal level PAS and UMNO are working together in Parliament.

In Sarawak, even the Sarawak BN has made it plain and simple that they will work with whoever wins Putrajaya - as long as the interests of the people of Sarawak are well served. This is a fair and clever statement. Who knows, other parties including Pakatan parties, may do this as well.

One possible candidate is the PKR - who may throw in their lot with 'other' parties. So there will be no need for a two party or three party system. As I said, the political landscape in Malaysia has changed completely.

Now lets see why this has happened. Look at that video above very carefully.Those are Suluk people in Sempoerna. They are really protesting against UMNO. They feel insulted to be called Malays. Meaning they do not wish to be identified with UMNO. UMNO moved into Sabah sometime ago. That was a big mistake by UMNO.

Everything has to do with the pocket and money. Before it was worth money to be a Malay and or join UMNO. Now not anymore. The problem is the price of oil. Before the oil price was good. And the government was much cleverer.

UMNO dished out money to Malays / bumiputras. Projects, contracts, subsidies, grants, licenses. You just had to be a Malay / bumiputra. All made possible by the abundance of oil money.

Everyone wanted to be a Malay / Bumiputra.
Mamaks wanted to be Malays.
Malabars wanted to be Malays.
Suluks wanted to be Malays.
Chinese wanted to be Malays.
Indians wanted to be Malays.
Even DJ Dave became a Malay.

I know of two mamak fellows who hired ostard wal retards as chair of their companies just to get that Malay / bumiputra status. One of them paid an ostard wal retard money just to get a bumiputra recognition at the Ministry of Finance 'contracts division'. Another mamek hired Haron Din as his company chairman to get bumiputra preferential treatment with MAS (under Tajuddin Ramli). So at that time, to be a Malay meant easy money.

Those days are gone. The oil money has slowed down a lot. The queue for blind money is getting longer and longer. Plus UMNO will likely lose its 88 seats or 95 seats in Parliament - for ever. Now it will have to be real coalition politics. No more bulldozing issues. No more easy money for just one group or for the cronies. Hopefully.

Malay / bumiputra will no more be synonymous with easy money. Hence UMNO is less attractive. Plus there is the stealing, the cheating and the lying.

The Sarawakians are right. Oil was discovered in Sarawak before Dubai. Dubai is now a metropolis. Sarawak is still a Third World backwater. Same with Sabah. What happened to their oil? - ostb

Ada pihak yang begitu takut bila dengar saya nak ke Pekan, 
sampai buat laporan polis dan mengugut untuk lakukan sesuatu. 
Story kat SINI SINI dan SINI 

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