Parlimen bubar selepas Chap Goh Meh...

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Parlimen bubar selepas Chap Goh Meh...

 Hari mengundi lewat Mac atau April...

Perdana menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak dijangka membubarkan Parlimen seminggu selepas Chap Goh Meh pada 2 Mac untuk membuka jalan bagi Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (GE14).

Mengikut penganalisis politik berkata ruang untuk memanggil pilihanraya sudah terlalu kecil.

Mereka percaya hari pengundian akan diadakan pada akhir bulan Mac atau April.

Pada bulan Mei, adalah bulan puasa bagi umat Islam.

Penganalisis politik Profesor Dr Jeniri Amir dari Universiti Malaya Sarawak berkata Parlimen perlu dibubarkan pada bulan depan kerana pilihan raya tidak boleh diadakan pada bulan Mei kerana bulan Ramadan.

"Bulan depan sangat sesuai untuk membubarkan Parlimen dan pada masa yang sama, pilihan raya perlu diadakan sebelum Anwar dibebaskan dari penjara," katanya ketika dihubungi.

Pada masa ini, Perdana menteri dan Timbalannya tidak mempunyai lawatan rasmi ke luar negara sehingga bulan April.

Sasaran Barisan Nasional (BN) kaali ini untuk memenangi sekurang-kurangnya 148 kerusi parlimen daripada 222.

Dalam pilihan raya sebelumnya, BN memenangi 133 kerusi parlimen, manakala pembangkang memenangi 89.

Sumber berkata, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi bekerja keras untuk menyerahkan 148 kerusi parlimen untuk BN pada pilihan raya akan datang ini.

Pada 9 Feb lalu, Ahmad Zahid berkata BN akan menggunakan strategi yang sama yang terbukti berjaya dalam pilihan raya negeri Sarawak ke-11 untuk PRU14.

Pada pilihan raya Sarawak 2016, BN menang besar sebanyak 72  negeri daripada 82 kerusi DUN.

Profesor James Chin, Pengarah Institut Asia Tasmania, Universiti Tasmania, berkata: "Pilihan raya itu perlu diadakan selepas Tahun Baru Cina dan sebelum Anwar dibebaskan dari penjara. Adalah berisiko (untuk BN) jika Anwar dibenarkan berkempen semasa pilihan raya ini. "

Dari segi penjawat awam, Ahmad Zahid menerajui Kementerian Dalam Negeri, sementara Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussien menerajui Kementerian Pertahanan. Kedua-dua pemimpin ini memegang bank pengundian bekas anggota tentera dari pihak polis dan tentera.

Terdapat kira-kira 350,000 bekas anggota tentera di negara ini, yang mana hanya sekitar 172,000 mendaftar sebagai pengundi.

Pada pilihan raya umum 2013, pengundian awal oleh anggota polis dan tentera dan isteri mereka yang berdaftar adalah seramai 272, 387.

Pakatan Harapan sedar masa sudah dekat, dan tarikh pilihan raya semakin hampir dan perlu bertindak sebagai satu pakatan yang bersepadu. - theSundaily

30,000 bantah persempadanan 
semula di Selangor...

Lebih 30,000 tandatangan membantah cadangan persempadanan semula kawasan pilihan raya bagi kerusi Parlimen dan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di Selangor diserahkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) hari ini.

Secara keseluruhan, 200 bantahan dibuat terhadap cara persempadanan semula dijalankan di Selangor. Satu bantahan memerlukan minimum 100 tandatangan.

Bersih 2.0 and Pakatan Harapan (PH) ketika menyerahkan bantahan itu, menggesa SPR tidak tergesa-gesa melaksanakan persempadanan semula itu, sebaliknya perlu berhati-hati supaya ia adil.

Esok ialah hari terakhir menyerahkan bantahan kepada SPR berhubung persempadanan semula di Selangor.

Bercakap kepada media di sini, Presiden PH, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, berkata bantahan itu dikumpul dengan bantuan PH dan Bersih.

“Bantahan ini mewakili suara rakyat Selangor yang berharap SPR bertindak lebih profesional dan adil, tanpa memihak mana-mana parti politik.

“Bantahan itu juga dibuat bagi menjamin hak pengundi Selangor,” katanya.

Presiden PKR itu berkata, SPR harus mendengar bantahan pengundi.

“Kami berharap SPR mengambil kira bantahan ini bagi memastikan keadilan di semua kerusi DUN dan Parlimen. Jumlah pengundi yang tidak seimbang adalah ketara di Selangor, contohnya N01 Sabak mempunyai 15,033 pengundi, manakala N29 Seri Serdang mempunyai 74,563 pengundi.
Image result for persempadanan semula di Selangor

“Dalam cadangan ke-2, kerusi Parlimen seperti Gombak, Ampang, Pandan, Kuala Selangor dan Tanjong Karang paling terjejas dan kami harap SPR mengambil kira bantahan ini, khasnya pengundi kawasan berkenaan.”

Sementara itu, wakil rakyat PKR di Sri Andalas, Xavier Jeyakumar menggesa SPR tidak tergesa-gesa menjalankan proses itu hanya kerana tarikh akhir sudah ditetapkan.

“Lebih penting mengkaji bantahan dan mendengar apa yang mereka ingin katakan sebelum membuat keputusan,” kata pengarah pilihan raya PH Selangor.

Pengerusi Bersih 2.0, Maria Chin Abdullah yang bersetuju dengan Jeyakumar berkata SPR tidak perlu tergesa-gesa melakukan proses itu.

“Tarikh akhir sebenarnya ialah Oktober, jadi kami tidak faham mengapa mereka tergesa-gesa melakukan persempadanan semula. Adakah ia dilakukan demi pilihan raya? Saya tidak pasti mengapa SPR tergesa-gesa.

“Tahun lepas, inkuiri tersebut dijalankan semasa Krismas, sesuatu yang tidak adil.”

Timbalan Presiden PH, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin berkata, jika bantahan itu mempunyai merit, SPR patut menerima cadangan mereka, bukannya mengambil tindakan yang akan merugikan pengundi Selangor.

“Saya minta SPR mengambil masa meneliti setiap bantahan.

“Ini mengenai hak rakyat, keadilan, demokrasi dan apa yang dijamin Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” katanya.

Inkuiri awam ke-2 akan diadakan selepas pameran awam syor kajian semula persempadanan di Selangor yang dikemas kini, berakhir esok. - fmt

Chong Wei -"bukan saya"...

Badminton ace Lee Chong Wei has denied that a sex video which has gone viral on social media is his.

Speaking to Sin Chew Daily, the national shuttler said the person in the video does not even look like him.

“He (the person in the video) does not even look like me.

“Why is this happening? Perhaps, some people just have too much free time (to spread such clips),” he added.

Lee also revealed that numerous people had sent the video to him.

“Do you want me to send (the video) to you?” he joked.

“A lot of people sent (the video) to me. There are all sorts of people out there, I am too lazy to be bothered about them,” he added.

A search for “Lee Chong Wei sex video” on the internet found numerous websites claiming to have the video on their respective sites.

The Sin Chew article came in the wake of news that the shuttler’s biopic titled “Lee Chong Wei: Rise of the Legend” would be making its world premiere on March 9 at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil.

Responding to a question, Lee said he would not file a police report on the matter because it is not him in the video.

However, Lee told The Malaysian Insight that he will lodge a police report today to find out the culprit.

He did not rule out the possibility of people sabotaging his movie. - mk

Chong Wei: Orang dalam video seks itu bukan saya

Noh Omar caught red-handed giving RM50 to rural Malays mums but RM100 to urban Chinese mums...

As the housing minister and Selangor hopeful, Nor Omar, reacted with fury today at being called out over handing cash to voters, it dawned on the wider world that maybe this man didn’t even realise that he was acting shamefully?

One thing made clear from the excuse that the portly politician came up with, as he ripped into critics, was that this was certainly not his own cash or even cash raised by his political party.  Nor Omar today confirmed that it was public money, purportedly taken out of taxes by the government:

He said it was a school aid programme that benefitted 3.2 million recipients, and he was distributing the aid at a Parent-Teacher Association meeting.
“Those who slander don’t know what the government has done for the people
“The Bantuan Awal Persekolahan programme is not new, it has been implemented for quite some time,” [Malaysian Insight]

There are, as any educated adult can see, numerous glaring flaws in the minister’s justification of his actions, performed not just once but numerous times on several occasions

Green RM50 note to ‘easy-to-please’ Malay Rural Mum?

First of all, there is the small matter that Nor Omar’s official explanation and excuse to news outlets today totally contradicted the smug explanation for the handout that he gave in his own Facebook postings at the time, earlier this month.

Those Facebook postings (from where these revealing pictures originate) give a clearly different version of events.  Here he is, posting on February 3rd, about one of at least three of these events recorded by himself, where he explained why he was handing out cash at his own old school:

And there are, of course, other glaring issues.  If this programme is designed as a “loan” for “poor parents”, how come this chap was handing out cash freely to a room full of random mums without the slightest sign of organisational due process?

What one would expect to see in such a programme, would be a line of bureaucratic note-takers armed with qualification forms and handing out receipts (after all ‘loans’ have first to be qualified for and then to be repaid).

To be clear, the last thing a minister ought to be personally involved in is the handing out the actual cash through such government schemes: how deeply inappropriate, after all; how shamefully menial and how terribly awkward, when inevitably some constituents will prove elegible and others not?

It is therefore blatantly obvious to all observers that this cash hand-out was merely excused by the government programme, as a transparent figleaf for its actual purpose, which (as indicated on Nor Omah’s own Facebook) was to gull decent mums from parents’ associations across his constituency into beleiving that somehow they either personally owe Nor Omah something or that they owe his boss Najib Razak and their political party something.

Discrimination? A fat purple RM100 note to ‘sniffier’ Chinese Urban Mum?!

More For Chinese Urban Mums?

Possibly even more sinister and pernicious is the fact that our review of Nor Omah’s Facebook page appears to indicate that he has cynically discriminated over how much cash he is prepared to hand out through this ‘government scheme’ to different voters.

Indeed, for a party that purports to be dedicated to uplifting rural Malay folk (a noble cause indeed) Nor appears from the photographs to be offering half the amount to mums from this category i.e. green RM50 notes, compared to the RM100 notes he is photographed handing out to urban mums from the Chinese community (also doubtless deserving folk).

Given UMNO is generally discriminatory in its policies against minority communities, like the urban Chinese Malaysians (in order to catch votes), such an act has to rank as utter hypocrisy.  Why should crisp purple notes be handed out to Chinese Malaysian school mums, clearly to be bought at a higher price, compared to the green half-price notes handed to the trusting Malay rural folk that the party claims to champion?

Selangor dah selamat bersama #HARAPAN. Ko simpanlah nko punya hero tu 

And how does all this work under the loan scheme devised by the Bantuan Awal Persekolahan programme referred to by Nor Omar?

Nor Omah needs to wake up quick, just like his party, and realise just how dreadful all this bribery appears in the eyes of the rest of the world.  Indeed, once the scales have fallen from the eyes of those deceived potential voters who took his cash, they will rightly feel angry at the ploy he is trying to pull.

To clear up this matter, Nor Omar needs to provide detailed documentation, immediately,  to show exactly where those fat bundles of cash he was shown clutching in his hands really came from.  Let’s see the money trail and determine if it really came from government programmes, which are still generally managed by civil servants who attempt to perform their legitimate jobs in Malaysia or whether those notes came from some other less traceable source linked to his boss, Najib Razak? - srr

Dividen KWSP zaman Anwar Menteri Kewangan lebih tinggi dari zaman Najib.
Anwar: 6.7% - 8.0%. 6.7% sebab krisis ekonomi Asia. Purata 7.62%.
Najib: 5.65% - 6.9%. Tiada krisis ekonomi, malah dihebohkan ekonomi negara kukuh. 
Purata 6.18%.

Suspek bangunan EPF terbakar...

Went to visit Dad this morning. He’s good, just needs some rest. 
He’ll be back to kick some butts again soon!


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